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Thursday 9 August 2012

Full Circle by Patti Larsen - Hayle Coven Novels #8

Patti Larsen always puts the first chapter in the back of the last book and when I read Miriam had been arrested by the crooked enforcers of the High Council I've been on the edge of my seat for WEEKS waiting for this book!  

So let me share with you my pre reading speculations: Syd's Mom is dead for sure!

The last 3 books have been about preparing Syd for taking over the coven, the challenges are getting harder, Syd's taking on more responsibilities, she's realizing her potential and her capabilities. Everyone in the coven is accepting her as the next natural leader.

There is NO WAY ON THIS PLANET is Syd leaving the paranormal witch centre of America known as Wilding Springs for the greener college pastures, especially not with The Wild sleeping in her back garden! 

Full Circle was definitely worth the wait ! ! !

Yet again Syd's quest for something normal, on this occasion a simple date, is hijacked by the magical world. This time it's her Mom who's in danger. All these end of the world events have finally caught up with the leader of the Hayle Coven and we all know the words 'witch trials' aren't a good thing. Syd has to take the place of coven leader and make friends with the other coven leaders in order to expose the corruption rotting deep within high council before her coven is no more and her family magic is consumed by an old enemy. Syd has to save her Mom's life.

After reading so many of Patti's novels, and speculating for so long, I honestly thought I knew which way this was going but ... OMG! The plot twists I didn't see coming got me at least three times! Once again I was kept guessing right until the end. Although all the usual characters make an appearance this one focuses on Syd and Grams, and their banter had me chuckling throughout the night. Love Grams! 

What I loved here was we saw what life would be like for Syd and Quaid. All powerful coven leader and the stay at home dad, Quaid really steps up and helps Syd out with Meem's and everything now their Dad's back in his own demon world. Loved Syd's Demonic Super-Dad crashing in, trying to save the day and scaring the crap out of all the witches. 

Love Syd's humor. She may be all grown up with responsibilities but she's still got a smart tongue and her commentary always makes me giggle. Her voice is like one of an old friend you don't talk to for ages but the second you pick up the book its like you spoke just yesterday.

There are 12 more in the Hayle Coven Novels but Full circle is this last in this quartet.So there are a few story lines that are closed up here, including Quaid's family, Syd's friends and Uncle Frank horrible torture at the hand of the Durmonts. There's also the return of some old faces. 

So am I wrong does Syd save Miriam? Or Am I right and does she give up college to become the new leader of the Hayle Coven? Well ... That would be spoiling it for you but I will tell you there are tears to be shed at the end so you may need tissues.

So sad that I have to wait months for the next one. 


Buy Full Circle at Amazon

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