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Saturday 30 July 2011

This Week's Crisis

This week hasn't really been a usual week. The migraine decided to have a new symptom nausea... mmm ... not my most favourite of migraine symptoms I have to say and I've spent the best part of the week wondering why Gabrielle and Kyle from Devine Intervention's Halos at Dawn have decided to stop talking to me. So on Thursday night I decided to stop pushing the matter and move on to something more productive. I got out my first novel Life's A Ball? and had a read through.

Its the first time I've given LAB any thought in nearly three months

I so wish I hadn't.

It made me laugh. So I'm impressed with my little old self. But the perfect ending, the one which is the premise for book 3 and 4 and the whole reason for the final in the series, is no longer perfect! My world has just spiraled into chaos.

Oh what to do...?   



  1. Go with your gut, and don't let yourself get away with "well, it's good enough" attitude. If it needs work, put the work in. You won't be sorry!

    The only caveat I'd place on this advice is that if the work is finished, it's OK to let yourself move on so you don't get bogged in a past work. Only you, as the author, can decide if it's time to move on or not. If you're proud of the work, it's polished and complete, then move on. If it is still unfinished, and you know you could make it better, then roll up your sleeves and get to work. =)

  2. Sometimes, you just need to leave it alone for a while. When I was writing book 8 of the Haanta Series, books 9 and 10 wanted to be written before. I let it go and wrote the other books first. Magically when they were done, book 8 came to me in one night. I'm not saying this will happen to you, but I am saying that you must go with what wants to be written.

  3. The best advice I've ever received is--don't write with your critical mind--it only knows what it knows. Your creative mind knows EVERYTHING. So why are you trusting your critical mind in this when the part of you that channels what needs to come out did such a lovely job?

    Give it to someone you trust and ask yourself if you're being too harsh. I agree with India--believe in your instincts. But it was your gut that wrote the book in the first place.

  4. Thanks for the advice guys


  5. Every book is fixable, I've found - it's just a matter of how much work you want to put into it, and how patient you are. My first book that's been around for 16 years is finally being published and will come out next year. I have other books published that I wrote after that one, but that one I just didn't want to let go, so I kept at it. I think throwing something aside is ok, but only if it's what's right for you and what you really want.

    I think the best thing I learned from getting to that point with my first-ever novel was that talent grows and you can always apply that to old projects if you think it's worth the work. :)


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All characters have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone baring the same name. They are not inspired by an individual known or unknown by the author and all incidents are pure invention.

The articles, excerpts, and other written work published under the pseudonym Erin Cawood are copyright protected by the author. Guest articles are published by arrangement and also copyright protected by the guest author.

Images of Erin Cawood are provided by Paul Miguel Photography.

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