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Monday, 25 May 2015

Charmed I'm Sure by Lynda Simmons - Book Review & Giveaway

The Deets

Laugh Out Loud Funny...With Just a Touch of Magic

One minute Maxine Henley is the happy bride-to-be and the next she’s the girl who gets dumped over the phone. Max has never believed in magic and fairy’s tales, but if wearing a love charm can warm her fiancé’s cold feet, she’s happy to stuff that little wooden heart next to her own and wait. The charm came with a promise that the right man will find her, guaranteed, but how can that happen when her teenage crush Sam O’Neal keeps getting in the way!

Buy at Amazon

Sneak Peek inside... 

Sam scribbled the hamburger special on the board, carried his coffee through the front door and sat down on the step. He sent a nod across the road as the lights flicked on in Tracy’s beauty parlor. Raised his mug when Howard came out to change the pictures in the window of his real estate office, and lifted a hand to salute Jeff who was wheeling a third barbeque out to the front of his hardware store.

Over at Cy’s Deli, rumor was that Howard had his hair colored in Tracy’s back room. Some folks wondered what else went on back there, but Jeff swore everything was aboveboard, since Tracy was still carrying a torch for Stan over at the Kwik Way. Sam nodded at a passing pickup and the driver honked back. A typical Saturday morning in Schomberg, every face familiar, every name known. While it made privacy difficult and gossip a way of life, it also made it impossible to ignore the woman talking to herself in front of the post office. She wasn’t a crazy person and definitely wasn’t dangerous. She was just Molly, who had wandered off again to sit under the statue honoring Schomberg’s war heroes and read the names of her two sons, Albert and Walter. No one was surprised when Cy took her into the Deli for a coffee because everyone knew Molly’s family would be around to collect her soon enough, and she wasn’t hurting a soul.

Sam rose with his empty cup, still finding it odd that the very things that had driven him away years ago were the same things that had drawn him right back. He’d taken a risk in moving to Schomberg, gambling everything he had on a town that was still small and unsophisticated, and had only recently recognized its own charm. Subdivisions had sprouted in areas he’d last seen as farms and orchards, while outlet malls and shopping centers drew even the old-timers away from Schomberg’s main street. Yet there were people like him trying to breathe new life into the town with shops like the Looking Glass down the road and the Peanut Gallery near the highway. And of course there was the Tap Room, the most ambitious of all, with the most potential for disaster. Still, he couldn’t name a single regret or find any way to make Maxine Henley understand why.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lynda Simmons is a writer by day, college instructor by night and a late sleeper on weekends. She grew up in Toronto reading Greek mythology, bringing home stray cats and making up stories about bodies in the basement. From an early age, her family knew she would either end up as a writer or the old lady with a hundred cats. As luck would have it, she married a man with allergies so writing it was.

With two daughters to raise, Lynda and her husband moved into a lovely two storey mortgage in Burlington, a small city on the water just outside Toronto. While the girls are grown and gone, Lynda and her husband are still there. And yes, there is a cat – a beautiful, if spoiled, Birman. If you’d like to read the legend of Birman cats click here. If you’d like a link to allergy relief, click here.

When she’s not writing or teaching, Lynda gives serious thought to using the treadmill in her basement. Fortunately, she’s found that if she waits long enough, something urgent will pop up and save her - like a phone call or an e-mail or a whistling kettle. Or even that cat just looking for a little more attention!

Twitter @LyndaMSimmons

The Giveaway


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Monday, 11 May 2015

Release Day - Congratulations @WhitneyDineen The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan is available Now!

Thirty-four year old, Mimi Finnegan is the third of four daughters and in her eyes, by far, the most unremarkable. She has no singular accomplishment that can stand up to any of her sisters. And if that isn’t enough, she is the only single sibling in her family. 

Mimi’s sisters decide that it’s time she gets serious about husband hunting, so they begin a campaign to find Mr. Right for her. Considering her most recent dating encounters include a night club owner who stuffs bratwurst in his pants and a WASPy trust fund baby, living happily under his mother’s thumb, Mimi is more than ready to meet THE ONE. Enter celebrated British novelist Elliot Fielding.

Sexual tension and anger heat up between the duo and it isn’t until Mimi discovers that Elliot is almost engaged to another that she realizes she is head-over-heels in love with him.

The journey will make you laugh, cry and want to pull your hair out from frustration! 

Mimi eventually learns that she is quite remarkable in her own right and never needed to worry that she lived in her sister’s shadows. 

The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan is the perfect laugh-out-loud, feel good book for any woman who has ever felt that she wasn’t good enough. 

Grab your copy at Amazon!

Who is Whitney Dineen? 

While attending the University of Illinois in Chicago, Whitney Dineen was discovered by a local modeling agent and began an unexpected career as a plus-size Ford model. She modeled in New York City before moving to Los Angeles with her husband.

When she wasn’t modeling, she was in the kitchen, baking delights to share with friends. Soon, her friends began asking her to send baskets of her wonderful candies and cookies to business associates, agents and production studios. Word spread like wildfire, and the rest, as they say, is history. Whitney’s sensational creations are still in great demand by her loyal celebrity clientele (

During “The Hollywood Years,” Whitney was bitten by the writing bug and started creating characters that are inspired by strong women with a great sense of humor.

In addition to her love of chick-lit, Whitney has also written a series of adventure books for middle readers The first of which, Wilhelmina and the Willamette Wig Factory, is nearing completion.

Whitney and her husband, Jimmy, have recently relocated to the beautiful Pacific Northwest to raise their children, chickens and organic vegetables.

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The Legal Bit

All characters have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone baring the same name. They are not inspired by an individual known or unknown by the author and all incidents are pure invention.

The articles, excerpts, and other written work published under the pseudonym Erin Cawood are copyright protected by the author. Guest articles are published by arrangement and also copyright protected by the guest author.

Images of Erin Cawood are provided by Paul Miguel Photography.

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